Chile: Immunotherapy Can Prevent Deaths Due to Colorectal Cancer


SANTIAGO DE CHILI .- The lives of thousands of people whom colorectal cancer charges a year all over the world can be considerably reduced thanks to early detection and immunotherapy, provided [19459004Efe] the medical pathologist and the molecular oncologist, Ramón Gutiérrez.

"Advanced therapies for immunotherapies can improve the quality of life of patients and increase the results of traditional treatments up to 40%" Dr. Gutierrez, who is also Executive Director of the Medical Center Biogenic-Recell.

The professional explained that patients usually receive chemotherapy treatment after the surgery for extirpation, sometimes accompanied by radiation therapy, after which it is very important that the patient add as soon as possible an immunotherapy treatment dendritic cell high efficiency, consulting the specialist.

In this sense, Dr. Gutiérrez pointed out that in patients with his "adenocarcinoma of the colon and melanoma, among others, in cases with initial survival expectations of about four months, they exceeded the two years, with an adequate quality of life. "

Similarly, patients without treatment proposal and only with the possibility of palliative care, decided to initiate immunotherapy and reduce the tumor metabolic activity badessed by Tomography. About 40% According to the Ministry of Health, 60 days after the end of immunotherapy, colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of death in Chile.Women and the fourth among men, die five people a day to their cause, while in the world this disease claims the lives of 700,000 people a year According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO).

In fact, statistics show that at the over the last decade, deaths from this type of cancer have increased by 116% and are estimated to be

And is colorectal cancer typical of developed countries.

For example, in the United States year should have about 50 deaths from This disease, according to the statistics of American Cancer Society

Dr. Ramón Gutiérrez, Executive Director of Biogenica-Recell Medical Center.

Developed countries have rates of 20 cases per 100,000 population and Chile has nearly 10 cases for the same number of inhabitants still being developed.

Dr. Gutiérrez explained to Efe that the reasons that this type of cancer may occur are varied and that some factors may increase p Opportunities such as age, l? diet, genetics and lifestyle.

Physicians therefore emphasize the importance of performing preventive examinations, able to detect the disease at an early stage, through preventive campaigns specific to certain centers. , for different types of cancer throughout the year

Once the cancer is detected, the treatment options vary depending on the stage of the tumor, its spread, the depth of the intestinal wall or the size of the tumor. Other tissues. and where it is (colon or rectum).

According to the professional, the Biogenic-Recell Center, located in the city of Concepción, 515 kilometers south of the Chilean capital, is one of the first centers of Oncology of the country. country that has successfully developed biological cancer treatments.

These are custom protocols that fight or eliminate cancer cells, preventing even their reappearance after treatment, since they create an immunological memory for years.

from cells taken from the tumor itself, occupied in the laboratory to reprogram the cells taken from the patient's blood, called dendritic cells, and then reintroduced into the patient's body ", explains Dr. José Carlos Castillo, Director

He added that the experts indicate, and his trajectory confirms "that the interesting thing about this is that the treatment, especially the third protocol The generation has proven safe, non-invasive for the patient and has no relevant negative or toxic effects. "

On the contrary, it is an alternative treatment, in combination with chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy, and even with other mechanisms of immunotherapy such as antibodies or checkpoint inhibitors, which "provide a better quality of life to the patient, even increasing their survival by 325%", he said.

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