Chile returns to Bolivia 42 fossil coins of about 420 million years ago | World


Chile returned to Bolivia 42 paleontological pieces from 390 to 420 million years ago, seized at a Chilean border post two years ago, reported Monday the National Bureau of customs.

Chilean customs officers discovered the fossil coins in a vehicle that was trying to enter Argentina from Chile through the Los Libertadores Pbad, a busy border complex located in the central area of ​​the country. The experts of the Council of National Monuments (CMN) determined that they were remnants of Bolivia .

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to establish that paleontological records because of their characteristics and dates, could correspond to Bolivian geological units, "said a customs notice

After confirming the first results on the origin of the coins, contact with the Bolivian diplomatic authorities for their return, which finally took place on Monday

"It is a very important satisfaction for our government to recover valuable documents from all points of view. We want to thank the efforts made in Chile for the delivery of these fossils," said Juan Carlos Dueñas, consul of Bolivia in Santiago, which he received coins from the Chilean authorities

"It's good news that we have the opportune It was to return these 42 pieces of high palaeontological value to Bolivia "he said. Francisco Moreno, Chile's Under-Secretary of Finance

Up to 2018, 150 fossil coins have been discovered in 14 discoveries made at the Chilean borders, according to Chilean customs.

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