Chile to reopen the market for meat produced in Colombia | National


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In the coming days, the Agricultural Service and Ganadero, SAG, Chile, would grant receivability for its market to meat produced in Colombia.

A commission from this country, verified the steps taken by the Colombian Agricultural Institute, ICA, to overcome the foot and mouth disease outbreak in the last quarter of 2016.

According to the Minister of Agriculture, Juan Guillermo Zuluaga Cardona, "Chile is one of the most important markets for our farmers in the Colombian countryside, since Colombian beef arrives there, which is the protagonist of different dishes that are prepared in the main restaurants of this country ".

According to the head of the agricultural portfolio, Colombian figures in this market have been favorable.

Before the problem of foot-and-mouth disease, according to Zuluaga Cardona, "the country has exported 195.9 tons of meat produced on the farm. Thanks to this transaction, Colombian farmers received $ 925,000, or about 775 million pesos. "

In May, a commission of the SAG of Chile inspected various farms and beneficiary factories.

report on the progress made by the Colombian health authorities in putting an end to the situation created by outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease.

Frigorífico río frió would resume negotiations

If the Chilean market opened, Santander would be among the most fruitful, one of its refrigerators would resume the past negotiations that were interrupted with outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease in September 2017 [196]. 59012] As you recall, the Frigorífico Río Frío worked for two years in this market to obtain its admissibility.

Their factory, the most modern in the country, had allowed them to accept transactions with three major buyers in Chile.

Only one company had a monthly meat sale of US $ 500,000 in different courts.

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