Chile will export gas to Argentina for the next three years


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The National Oil Company (ENAP) has signed an agreement that will allow it, for the next three years, to export gas to Argentina.

The information, confirmed by the company through a press release, states that the agreement It will allow the daily export of up to 3 million cubic meters for the period that the parties negotiate each year, to cover energy needs during the winter in the neighboring country. "

The framework agreement was signed between ENAP and the Argentina State Integration Energy SA Argentina (IEASA) .In the agreement, in turn, the energy groups Enel Chile and CGE will participate.

Marcelo Tokman, Chief Executive Officer of Enap, said that "the beginning of a third consecutive delivery of natural gas to Argentina represents an important step towards the future. 39 energy integration between the two countries. "

Deliveries would be in charge of ENAP, ENEL, and Aprovisionadora Global de Energía SA (AGESA, part of the CGE group) and would be carried out through the Electrogas and GasAndes pipelines, the latter pipeline linking the metropolitan region of Chile to the Province of Mendoza, Argentina, through a 450-kilometer pipeline through the Andes Mountains


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