Chilean banks earned more than 1,600 million US dollars in May 2018


Banco Santander remains at the forefront in terms of profits, followed closely by Banco de Chile

Banks extend their good results and, according to the superintendency of the branch, obtain profits of $ 1,046,625 million. (US $ 1,610 million) as of May [19659003] The profits attributed to homeowners represent an increase of 14.7% over the previous month and a minimum decrease of 0.64% in twelve months, says the SBIF. 19659003] The regulator stated that the higher monthly result mainly explained by an increase in the interest margin (mainly due to higher net adjustments), however, a higher net provision (especially for contingent provisions), attenuated

Yield indices for average equity and average badets decreased from 12.29% in April to 12.21% in April and 1.03% in 1.02%.

Loans rose 5.46% year-over-year, above the previous month's increase of 3.24% and compared to May 2017 (2.16%).

The biggest expansion from Apr. 18 and a year ago was due to a significant growth in commercial loans, which more than offset the weaker growth of the other two portfolios (consumption and housing).

Finally, Banco Santander remains at the forefront of the results, followed closely by Banco de Chile. Further back is the BCI and Corpbanca (see infographic).


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