Chilean companies believe digital transformation is a priority issue


A study conducted by Tren Digital UC and Claro, revealed that local businesses are increasingly betting on this type of technological change in their business.

73% of Chilean companies are engaged in digital transformation% of its executives are aware of the benefits it brings to the company. These are some of the findings of the study "Adaptation of the company to the digital society" conducted by Tren Digital UC and Claro who also revealed that 78% of the leaders of these companies believe that the digital transformation is an urgent matter.

For research, about 300 companies were surveyed, of which 49.3% indicated that they only implement digital strategies in certain divisions or areas, and 26% have not yet implemented them. artwork. Specifically, the purpose of the report is to know the degree of maturity and the best ways to advance the digital transformation.

"Companies have already begun to transform, to adopt technologies in their processes and in their daily lives, but there are still significant delays in integrating these advances and, above all, a broad aversion to change that makes modernization difficult, "says Daniel Halpern, an academic at the Catholic University who was in charge of the study.

In this way, the document reveals that there are still some barriers, especially cultural, that prevent digital transformation from being adapted as quickly as this new model requires.It also breaks down two myths: the digital divide is not as big and small businesses could to enter the transformation faster than the larger ones.

When asked if they were implementing digital strategies, 13% said no to rely on them or with short term plans. Meanwhile, 43.9% only develop them in certain divisions or areas and 29% say they are already part of almost all areas and decisions of the organization.

"We have focused on supporting our customers in your own digital transformation. This means that we have all the tools we have to deal with the different productive areas of the country," explains Francisco Guzmán, director of the company. In fact, organizations wishing to conduct this survey and measure their own digital maturity can enter, where they will find the beta platform of Tren Digital and Claro Chile.

Digital Talents
] The survey devotes a chapter to talent management 55.2% of respondents indicated that they hire employees with the technical skills necessary for digital transformation, this which confirms the relevance of this question within companies

In the same line, 51% indicates who supports the training of numerical skills among employees and 50% indicate that they hire people with the business skills necessary for digital transformation.


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