Chileans make plastic bags that dissolve in water and do not pollute


With a slight change in the formula of plastic which makes it possible to replace the petroleum with limestone a group of Chilean entrepreneurs ] succeeded making water-soluble reusable plastic bags and that do not pollute .

Roberto Astete and Cristian Olivares the two architects of this product, they started with experiments to manufacture biodegradable detergent but in the end they found the chemical formula based on PVA (polyvinyl alcohol, soluble in water) and which replaces derived from petroleum because of the indestructibility of plastics which have been integrated into the food chain animals that populate the oceans and deteriorate the environment .

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"Our product comes from a limestone that does not harm the environment," badured Astete, general manager of the company SoluBag which plans to market its products from the month of October. Chile one of the first countries of Latin America in to prohibit the use of conventional plastic bags by companies.

"It's like making bread" he adds "To make bread we need flour and other components, our flour is polyvinyl alcohol and d." other components, approved by the FDA (the US Agency for the Regulation of Foods, Drugs, Cosmetics, Medical Devices, Biologics and Blood Products), which allowed us to have a raw material to manufacture different products ".

Before the press, both show the immediate solubility of plastic bags in cold water or reusable cloth bags in hot water. "What's left in the water is carbon," says Astete, which medical tests have shown that "has no effect on the human body".




And to show that the Troubled water that remains is "safe" and remains drinkable, drink a few glbades of water.


"The big difference between the traditional plastic and ours is that it will be between 150 and up to 500 years in the environment and ours only takes five minutes.You decide when you destroy it, "says Astete, before adding that" today hui, the recycling machine can be the pot of your house or the washing machine. "

The formula found allows to" make plastic "" so they are already working in the manufacture of materials such as covers dishes or plastic packaging .

Soluble fabrics in the same hot water used to prepare, for example, tea or coffee, are used to make reusable shopping bags or hospital products such as stretch guards, blouses and caps for medical staff and patients Olivares

When it rains, how can the purchase go home? Manufacturers can set the temperature at which plastic bags and waste dissolve in contact with

Another advantage of their bags is that they are anti-suffocation an important cause infant mortality, since it dissolves on contact with the tongue or with tears.


With mbad production, which can be done in the same companies where plastics come from now – just change the formula – the price of their products may be similar to current prices, say -they.

In a world where 311 were manufactured in 2014 million tons of plastic and by 2050 if the price does not change will be made a million 124 million tons, Astete and Olivares hope give the customer the "power to help decontaminate the environment" because "the big advantage is that the user decides when to destroy it," he says.


In 2015, the video of a sea turtle that seemed to cry while a straw was being taken from his nose became viral; the clip was "like gasoline on fire" in the fight against unnecessary consumption of plastic, says today Christine Figgener, biologist and author of the video

  The turtle who   The turtle who

The initiative won the prize SingularityU Chile Summit 2018 as a catalyst for change, which earned them an internship for the inventors of Silicon Valley September.


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