Chile's court of appeal orders the bank to resume operations with the Orionx Encryption Exchange


The Chilean Court of Appeal ruled in favor of the crypto exchange. Orionx, deciding that Banco Estado state bank should reopen the company's deposit account, local media reported La Tercera on July 12.

The fourth chamber of the Santiago Appeals Chamber accepted the appeal by Orionx crypto exchange against the State Bank, which in late March closed the deposit account of the society. At that time, the bank relied on the lack of "regulatory recognition of [comercio de criptodivisas]" as a justification for its decision.

Now, by decision of the Court of Appeal, the State Bank has been ordered to reopen the Orionx deposit account. The Court described the initial decision of the bank as "arbitrary and unlawful closure", which constitutes a deprivation of the right protected by Article 19 No. 2 of the Political Constitution of the Republic, namely the right to privacy. Equality before the Court. law. "

At the end of April, the Antitrust Court of Chile also ruled that two banks, Banco del Estado de Chile and Itaú Corpbanca, were to reopen the previously closed accounts of the exchange crypt Buda.

In May, the The president of the Central Bank of Chile, Mario Marcel, announced that he was considering developing a regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies, to better manage the risks badociated with crypto operation

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