Chile's Isapres: price rises begin today


From this Sunday, a new rise will begin at the basic prices of the plans of the Health Insurance Institutions (Isapres) as part of the process of which ends in June 2019

According to the Superintendency of Health there will be about 1,760,166 users who will see the value of their contracts modified. That is, half of the portfolio

According to La Tercera, the re-adjustment of insurers averages 3.4% in the system, with three open prices that will increase their prices: Cruz Blanca (7.7%), Beehive (4.8%) and Consalud (4.7%). During this time, Banmedica Vida Tres and Nueva Masvida will not apply any increases, while closed isapres, the only one that will make changes will be Fusat .

If the user is affiliated with one of the isapres and does not agree with the trek, there are three possible alternatives. The first is to accept the alternative plan proposed by the private entity in the letter of adequacy.

The second option is to terminate the contract to change from Isapre or to incorporate Fonasa and finally it is possible to appeal to protection and to complain to the Superintendency of Health in order to avoid the increase and maintain the plan with the benefits that it currently has.

] The Altura Management Health Council badured the media that during the first half of this year, Isapres filed a total of 69,620 protective appeals in the courts of # 39; call the country to contain the price increase of their plans or 7.7% more than in the same period last year, where 64 659 cases were counted . It should be remembered that in April of this year, the Isapres had already announced the increases.

You can see the video of readjustments below:

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