Chillán: Investigate Chaplain of the Army and another priest for sexual abuse


The bishop of Chillán, Carlos Pellegrin confirmed this morning the opening of investigations against two priests from the region of Ñuble denounced for badual abuse against minors.

those reported are Hector Bravo Merino parish priest of San Francisco and chaplain of the army who holds the rank of captain .

Regarding the second case, Bishop Pellegrin pointed out that is a complaint that arrived a few hours ago, and who will communicate in the coming days who is the accused priest.

These are situations that occurred in the last hours of the diocese's repeated call to make denunciations, "said Pellegrin.

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Bishop Pellegrin reported this morning of the two cases. (Photo: Danny Fuentes)

"He continues his pastoral activities, but at a slower pace"

Concerning the case of Héctor Bravo, the bishop of Chillán badured that the priest he volunteered to declare in front of a public prosecutor

"(Héctor Bravo) is fully available for the previous survey of the church , and also for what the prosecutor's office can badume. He continues with their pastoral activities, but at a slower pace "said Pellegrin.

However, the public prosecutor's office stated on a preliminary basis that no investigation was going on. had been opened and, during this afternoon, they will clarify this point.

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