Chillán: They stop the young man who beat the guy who would sell him a cell phone


The Investigative Police Brigade (1945-19006) of the Investigative Police (IDP) captured in Chillán, in the Ñuble region, a 20-year-old man who is accused of to have violently robbed the cell phone that was trying to buy a subject that was selling it online.

The Deputy Prefect Jorge Aguillón Chief of BIRO Chillán explained that "the complaint was made on July 23, because this individual was in agreement with the victim to buy his cell phone which had been offered on Facebook . "

" In this case, they gathered in the center area and upon delivery of the species, was attacked with a stick in his arms fleeing (the aggressor) with the cellphone, "added the PDI manager.

" By an badytical work, he was individualized, and the Office of the Prosecutor managed an arrest warrant which allowed him to be arrested at his home and to recover the telephone ", the sub-prefect Aguillón.

The accused, initials JAVR, has no criminal record and after being formalized for violent robbery in the Chillán Guarantee Court, was subjected to total house arrest .

There are other coauthors who are wanted by the PDI .

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