LinkedIn has used 18 million user emails illegitimately: report



LinkedIn is in a scandal for illegally using emails from its users.

Sergei Konkov / TASS

LinkedIn reportedly violated European data protection law after obtaining e-mail addresses from 18 million people, not part of the social network, for use as segmented advertising targets on Facebook. According to TechCrunch, a report submitted by the Irish Data Protection Commissioner (DCP) concludes that the social network practiced these practices until May 2018.

According to the report, LinkedIn admitted to having used email addresses in the purpose of encouraging more users to sign up on their platform from other sites such as Facebook, but they have already ended these practices. However, research indicates that the goal was not just that.

According to the DCP report, LinkedIn would also have used European user addresses to send personalized advertising and would have even applied its algorithms to suggest professional networks to users.

Apparently, the company also terminated these practices and apologized for promising that it "will not happen again". The company proceeded to the disposal of all personal data and was exempted from the fine badociated with the new European Data Protection Act (GDPR), the investigation that preceded the Adoption of this law in May 2018.] Playing:
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