China creates an "artificial sun" whose internal temperature is 7 times higher than that of "Astro Rey" | World


Researchers from the Hefei Physical Science Institutes at the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported that the EAST nuclear fusion reactor (advanced experimental superconducting Tokamak) had managed to reach 100 million degrees centigrade.

The experiment, supported by Chinese and foreign scientists, has lasted four months and aims to mimic the Sol in order to obtain similar results in terms of energy production from the nuclear fusion

However, the difference is that the star has an internal temperature of about 15 million centigrade, the Chinese Tokamak has so almost 7 times more.

In trying to achieve results similar to those of Astro Rey, the goal of EST is to create an alternative energy source. Currently, the method that allows this is the generation of nuclear energy by fission. However, this produces toxic waste, in contrast to the energy obtained that could be clean, reports Russia Today . This "artificial sun" is the world's first superconducting tokamak with a non-circular cross section.

"The plasma current density profile was optimized by the effective integration and synergy of four types of heating power: lower heating of hybrid waves, warming of the electron cyclotron waves ion cyclotron resonance heating and neutral ion heating ", explains the agency Europa Press .

"The energy injection exceeded 10 MW and the energy stored in the plasma increased to 300 kJ after scientists optimized the coupling of different heating techniques The experiment used advanced techniques of plasma control and prediction theory / simulation, "he adds in the scientific explanation. It should be recalled that this is not the first time that China has tried to reproduce a star, the city of Chengdu It was proposed to launch an " artificial moon " in Space in 2020 so that it can illuminate its streets and stop using lantern lights.

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