China has opened an investigation in the context of the vaccine scandal


Chinese authorities on Tuesday opened an investigation into the Changsheng Biotechnology Co.'s laboratories for bribery after the rabies vaccination scandal in the aftermath of the country's prime minister's request, Li Keqiang, "Immediate" 39, research in this regard.

Li's request came after it appeared that Changsheng Biotechnology, one of the major Chinese laboratories, reportedly violated manufacturing standards for rabies vaccines.

Li, who said the situation "goes too far", stressed the importance of imposing a "severe punishment" on companies and people involved in the fraudulent vaccine business.

raised controversy in the country despite the fact that, for the moment, no affected were detected. Authorities said on Sunday that Changsheng pharmaceutical company's product inspection reports and files had been arbitrarily manipulated, which constitutes a "serious" violation of the laws in force in the country.

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