China is ready for the future and is evaluating to include artificial intelligence in its program


Ming Ming lives in the year 2028. In the morning, he wakes up with the voice of a virtual badistant who tells him the time, while cooking a robot is responsible for prepare breakfast. Everything is programmed not to delay your entry to work, a task that the creators of your autonomous vehicle are also taken seriously: the car is programmed to identify the fastest way to the office.

With this story begins the first chapter of the fundamentals of artificial intelligence, the manual now mandatory in 40 Chinese schools. This is a book specially developed to introduce college students to this topic. In its nine chapters cover topics ranging from the history of artificial intelligence to its current use in public security systems.

"The artificial intelligence sector is facing a shortage of talent all over the world.The book is a breakthrough because it brings out this type of technology from the ivory tower and is part of of learning from school, "says Lin Dahua, a professor at the University of Hong Kong, an institution that collaborated in the creation of the book.The publication is part of a plan much larger that began six months ago, when the Chinese government announced that the country aspired to lead the global race in the field of artificial intelligence by 2030.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has launched a 28-page document in which they identify young people as key players in this plan, and in which they encourage schools to create alliances with universities and businesses to promote talents.

A year with the first 40 schools yield good results, China hopes to include the subject of artificial intelligence in educational plans across the country.

"This is similar to when the computer was introduced into the clbadroom as a way to support the study of mathematics and science, or when robotics workshops are introduced with the same reason, in this sense, it is not that there is a need to prepare young people on the specific ground, but it is an excellent opportunity for, using technological advances, teach the skills that will be essential today and in the next 20 years, "said Jorge Pérez, an academic from the University of Chile dedicated to research in the field of artificial intelligence

This area already shows its progress through automatic processing and data learning: the autocorrector of the cell phone, the system that detects spam in email or applications that recognize the faces in the interior d & # 39, a photograph are some practical examples. Advertising that is received from a web page or recommendation systems in shopping sites also consider systems that learn from past preferences of their users.

Consulted regarding the plausibility of performing the artificial intelligence study For Chilean clbades, Perez says that "as long as this is done well, it could help students get closer to the technology, in particular computer technology, programming and data management. it is generally that we stay in fashion, marketing … by giving the computer or by inaugurating a new school program, and we forget the fundamentals, the bases and the quality. China's book should start with history and scientific and computational basics, that's the right way to do it, as in any case where you want to give a good education. "

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