China plans to launch "artificial moon" to illuminate urban areas | Internationale


China plans to launch its own "artificial moon" by 2020 to replace urban lighting and reduce electricity costs in cities, the official press reported on Friday. .

Chengdu, a city in southwestern Sichuan Province, develops a "luminous satellite" that will illuminate near the true moon, but will be eight times brighter as the China Daily reports.

The first "moon" created by The Man will be launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan, said Wu Chunfeng, head of the organization responsible for the project, the New Science Society of China. the Tian Fu area. If the first launch is successful, three more will be launched in 2022, he added.

The first launch will be experimental, but satellites launched in 2022 will be "real" and will have "great civic and commercial potential," said Wu. China Daily interview.

Satellites can replace urban lighting in cities or urban areas which saves about 1.2 billion yuan a year ($ 170 million) in electricity in the city of Chengdu, said the official, said the official during the revelation of the moon by an artificial moon.

The light source can also contribute to relief operations in disaster areas or cut by power outages. 19659002] AFP was not able to contact Wu or the new Tian Fu Science Society to confirm this information.

China is not the first country to attempt to capture sunlight. In the 1990s, Russian scientists would have used giant mirrors to reflect the light of space, as part of an experimental project called Znamya or Banner.

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