China publishes "negative list" for foreign investment in pilot free trade areas


Spanish >> Economy

Updated on 07/01/2018 – 11:45


BEIJING, June 30 (Xinhua) – China has published a new "negative list" "Saturday for foreign investment in pilot free trade areas (FTA), where the number of items is reduced to 45, unlike the 95 in the previous version.

A "negative list" is a government document that details the industries to which foreign financing revenues are prohibited or limited.

Jointly published by the National Commission for Development and Reform (NDRC), the highest economic planning body and the Ministry of Commerce, the news Indeed, July 30.

Compared with the opening measures detailed in a national list released on Thursday, the one that will be applied in FTAs ​​further deletes or relaxes restrictions on the access of foreign capital to sectors such as oil and gas. Agriculture and mining, according to a statement from the NDRC.

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