China will apply tariffs first with respect to the EU


Chinese tariffs on US goods worth $ 34 billion will come into effect at midnight on July 6 at the Beijing time, told Reuters a person with knowledge of plans, in worsening tensions between the two countries. The largest economies in the world

Washington announced that it would apply tariffs on Chinese imports worth $ 34 billion on July 6 and that Beijing has promised retaliatory measures on same day.

According to our newspaper Reuters, the hours of advancement are those of Beijing

"Our measures are egalitarian and equal means that if the United States begins July 6, we will start July 6". said the source to Reuters, who requested anonymity because she is not allowed to speak with the media. "The moment of implementation of all policies begins at midnight".

China's tariff board did not respond to a phone call for comments and its Minister of Commerce did not respond to a fax for the same purpose. Speaking during a press briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said China was ready to act, although it did not confirm the date on which Chinese tariffs could start. As soon as the United States implements the so-called tariff schedule, China will take the necessary steps to firmly protect its legitimate interests, "Lu said without going into further detail.

The Chinese media maintained their your criticism with the US The official China China daily said that the United States intentionally tried to prevent China from developing so that it could not challenge China's role. United States in the World Economic Order

"The United States maintained its hegemony in the financial and military fields for many decades. Now he's looking for economic hegemony, "he wrote in his editorial in English

" He has frequently waged wars against sovereign countries and used the dominant influence of the US dollar on international markets to suffocate from other countries. Now he is trying to resort to a total economic and trade war to restrain China's normal development. "

The tabloid Global Times, published by the Communist People's Daily newspaper, says the trade war is increasingly likely" The counterattack is the first reaction of the major economies to the Washington's trade war, "he said in his editorial

" It's hard to predict where these moves will take the world, but Washington will pay. inevitably a high price for their attempts to make the whole world their economic tributary. "

President Donald Trump has threatened escalation in a trade war with tariffs of up to $ 400 billion in Chinese goods if Beijing retaliates against tariffs that the United States is planning to take." to apply from this Friday.

The Chinese currency and the stock market were agitated by the implementation of tariffs for this Friday

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