Chinese scientists invent a helmet to improve memory | news


A group of Chinese researchers of Advanced Technology Institute of Shenzhen (South China) develop a headset that will increase concentration, attention ability and decrease # 39; hyperactivity,

The project led by Professor Wei Pengfei also seeks that by manipulating brain waves with the use of sensors in the device, the activity of neurons can be regulated, thus improving mental conditions. Patients with depression, Alzheimer's, aphasia or Parkinson's, reported the Xinhua official news agency.

Scientists have conducted tests on the application of the helmet with rodents, mammals and people. Photo: Xinhua

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Scientists led by the professor performed tests of helmet application with rodents, mammals, humans and animals artificial brains shaped by artificial intelligence, with which they hope to identify the parameters and limits of the new invention on brain or mental activities.

The first experiments show that two hours after the use of the headset, users can memorize words, better number

The Shenzhen Institute plans to apply Invention to patients diagnosed and hospitalized with schizophrenia and autism, in health centers in China.

The study of technologies to stimulate the brain changed from invasive surgical methods, to less traumatic forms, with the implementation of mental mapping, such as the electroencephalogram, which is less than the presented helmet by the Institute of Advanced Technology of Shenzhen.

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