Chip is able to get 3D and color X-rays


The researchers of the company Mars Bioimaging in New Zealand were able to produce the first three-dimensional and color scans using X-ray technology with a chip called Medipix3

Thanks to the techniques created in CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), this innovation makes it possible to show the soft tissues, the water, the fats, the bones and the metals in a three-dimensional format.

March allows us to quickly identify atherosclerotic plaques at high resolution and without disturbing the patient. Without this technology, we would not be able to compare the biochemistry of plaques and understand the effect of cell calcification, "said Professor Steven Gieseg of the University of Canterbury in reproduced statements in La Vanguardia . Researchers have already tested this innovation to study diseases such as certain types of cancer, bone and vascular diseases. "In all our studies, early results are promising and suggest that when this technology is used in clinics, it will be used to provide more accurate diagnoses," said Anthony Butler, also of the University of Canterbury . ] (function (d, s, id) {
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