Chuquicamata to red: the workers totally paralyze the division


They had been announcing it for several weeks now. Workers at the largest open pit mine in the world have seriously considered stopping work on the site and have done so. In a statement, unions No. 1, 2 and 3 of the Chuquicamata division and No. 1 of Codelco Antofagasta signaled the beginning of a split decision, under the slogan that the bodies to obtain a dialogue were exhausted

"Once all the instances were exhausted to obtain a participatory dialogue that would allow" Influence and Influence ", they fulfilled the mandate of their bases making effective the divisional strike, a decision that was taken after 03:00. Monday.

"Starting the total unemployment of Chuquicamata, division taken, roads cut: for the reinstatement of the dismissed workers, effective installation of the working tables and standard 3262" This was posted on their social networks by Union No. 3 , accompanied by the following video:

As a requirement to withdraw the mobilization, the unions demand the administration of Codelco the immediate reinstatement of two workers – who, according to the document, have been unjustly dismissed – to set up an effective work table, "where our right to influence issues such as exit plans, l & # 39; Moreover, they demand "the cessation of anti-union practices and the requirement to comply with the Chilean standard 3262 of gender diversity, conciliation and conciliation."

of work, family and personal life, with the participation of union leaders. "

" We warn that if, as a result of this Administration proceeds to the annulment of a worker, this judgment will become indefinite with the support of private and related mining unions, strong forces of our municipality, region and country ", condemned the unions

Rolando Milla, union leader of Chuquicamata, told Cooperativa that" we believe that we can not accept what the administration is doing. Today, we are complicated because we are canceling two workers for lack of trust in paragraph # 2 (of section 161 of the Labor Code, "business needs") and believe that the administration has no evidence to blame our workers, "

" The participation must be real, the problems of labor relations in Chuquicamata are very weak, the federation knows that what happens to Chuquicamata is reflected in all other divisions, "added Milla. 19659002]

Strike in Escondida

What happened in Chuquicamata shows that the waters of the mining sector are more than revolts, because the union of Escondida also badesses a possible strike . Over the weekend, he agreed to reject the company's latest offer in the collective bargaining process, which should be endorsed by a workers vote that began this Saturday.

According to the unions, the BHP Billiton offer "refuses to take on more important issues of workers" and "establishes prejudicial conditions".

Read more: The union Minera Escondida agrees to reject the offer of the company and will go on strike

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