Cintac acquires a company in Peru and adds investments of US $ 70 million over five years



According to its growth strategy, Cintac SA, a CAP Group company, has signed a US $ 4.5 million contract through its subsidiary, Steel Building SAC, in Peru. the acquisition of Sehover and Signo Route companies; who have extensive experience in the security, infrastructure and traffic signal market.

Sehover, founded in 1997, is a company providing horizontal and vertical signage services and products and participating in Peru's largest road projects. . Signo Vial, for its part, has been dedicated for more than 10 years to providing the highest quality signaling products and road safety solutions on the market.

Cintac, present for more than 20 years in Peru with its subsidiary Tupemesa, which inaugurated two modern production factories in 2017, adding to the acquisition of Calaminon company in July this year, confirms with this new investment the interest of continuing to expand its stake in the Peruvian market.

This new expansion will enable the company to enter a market with high expectations in terms of growth, as is the case for public works in the neighboring nation. With this in mind, Javier Romero, Managing Director of Cintac, says "we have only invested more than $ 70 million over the last five years, Sehover and Signo Vial will complement the value proposition we are offering. the road safety market, "adds that" entry to this market is at a time expected public works in Peru, because of the stock of offers to start in the next few years, in addition to the priority given by the Peruvian Government to improve safety on the various roads of the country. "

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