Cleaner denounces Unilever again before FNE for the detergents market


The general manager of the company claimed that monopoly practices continue

Cleaner has filed a new complaint with the National Economic Prosecutor's Office (FNE) to investigate Unilever's predatory pricing, given that they are attacking the detergent market. He also asked the FNE to rigorously check the conciliation agreement signed in 2014, which was concluded as a result of a complaint filed against Unilever for abuse of dominance.

The general manager of Cleaner, Pedro Pablo Vicente, informed that "after two hearings that the company had already held with the FNE, the antitrust agency again called them to testify before the end of July ". And he pointed out that "what we are looking for, it is an equal field to be competitive, because independent of the conciliation agreement signed, the concrete is that the market has been harmed by the attitude Predatory Unilever, from our point of view it is a business He violated the terms of the agreement, to the point that it operates with a monopoly vocation. "

On the occasion, Pedro Pablo Vicente pointed out that" Unilever promotes a price war disguised in promotions and boys and girls have no backs to support us in the market with aggression commercial nature of this nature. "

In this context, Vicente stated that we made the request to the FNE because Unilever's anticompetitive behavior continues to" set sales targets so that it is difficult for the retailer to promote a party of its offer to other brands for fear of losing the prize, Unilever presses and fills the supermarkets and vineyards of the distributors to make it difficult to generate space for other brands and finally there has a permanent harbadment to the visibility of our products in the points of sale. "

More Inspection

In prospect, the General Manager of Cleaner, Pedro Pablo Vicente informed that they also asked the FNE to" conduct a more thorough inspection "of the 39, conciliation agreement of 2014, what Unilever asked, in order to avoid being convicted by the Competition Tribunal for abuse of dominant position

., Noted that "four years after the signing of the conciliation agreement, we do not know the conclusions and methodology of the report prepared by the Catholic University's Free University Competition Center, which monitors the compliance of Unilever with the FNE in the conciliation agreement.

· In 2013, there was a request from the FNE before the TDLC against Unilever for abuse of dominance. Other actors such as Maritano, Cleaner and Brillex, among others, have joined this request. No P & G

· In 2014, a conciliation agreement was signed that applies restrictions and commitments only to Unilever who was the defendant, not to other players in this market.

· In 2015, Cleaner requested the National Office of the Economic Prosecutor (FNE), the report that monitors compliance with the conciliation agreement.

· After requesting the FNE report, Unilever objected to the delivery. Through a press release, Cleaner learned that the Catholic University's Open Competition Center was conducting the audit.

· At the beginning of the year 2016, Cleaner requested Transparency Law's report and access was denied

· Four years after the signing of the conciliation agreement, the conclusions of the report are unknown. develops the UC Center for Free Competition for the FNE.

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