Cleaner denounces Unilever for setting predatory prices


Cleaner Corporation, which markets BioFrescura products in the detergent market, again denounced Unilever to the National Economic Prosecutor (FNE) for the antitrust entity to investigate the alleged predatory pricing. by the company, free competition. In addition, he asked the agency to rigorously audit the conciliation agreement signed in 2014, following a complaint filed against Unilever for abuse of dominant position.

The general manager of Cleaner, Pedro Pablo Vicente, affirmed that "after two hearings that the company has already held with the FNE, the entity quotes them again to declare them from here end of July". The executive stressed that "what we are looking for, it is a competitive field to be competitive, because independent of the conciliation agreement signed, the concrete is that the market has been harmed by the Predatory attitude of Unilever, and from our point of view, it is a With regard to the conciliation agreement of 2014, the general manager stated that "four years after the agreement". having signed, we do not know the conclusions and methodology of the report. who develops the Center for Free Competition of the Catholic University, which oversees that Unilever respects the agreement with the FNE in the conciliation agreement. "

Vicente baderted that" Unilever promotes a price war disguised as promotions, and we do not have the back to support us in the market with a commercial aggression of this nature. "Consulted Unilever, the company refused to comment

Price war
According to Cleaner, Unilever leads a price war disguised as promotions.

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