Climate change has a negative impact on mental health


Climate change is becoming more and more perceptible. The increase in temperatures and natural disasters forcefully signal it worldwide, but in addition worry about the effects that this may have on humanity.

In this sense, a recent study published by the journal PNAS of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, indicates that when the increase in temperature is generated, increases on a mental health problem among the population, fact that manifests itself in the stress, anxiety and depression, according to the newspaper El Mercurio .

] And this is not the only scientific experiment that comes to this conclusion. A survey conducted by experts from the Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) found that times the increase in the number of clinic visits due to depression coincided with climate change.



Thus, months at least 25 days of average temperatures above 30 ° C increased the risk of problems by 2% mental health.

"We do not know why high temperatures cause mental health problems, but what is clear is that it will affect more and more people in the future ", said Dr. Nick Obradovich of the Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology.


Not only that. Earthquakes, forest fires, tidal waves and volcanic eruptions are natural disasters which, in themselves, affect mental health. They are not easy to badimilate, they often generate trauma, but also, after reviewing the reports on the people affected by Hurricane Katrina (2005) for Obradovich's research, and comparing them to the people who have not suffered this type of disaster, could conclude that those who have experienced this type of experience are 4% more likely to suffer from mental disorders in the future.

It might interest you: UN on climate change

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