Closer and closer? Promising Results of an Experimental HIV Vaccine


Clinical trials of an experimental HIV vaccine have been successful and the researchers are optimistic, even though they said they had to be very cautious.

The results were published in The Lancet, and they are considered true. "milestone", since for the first time the vaccine has worked in people from different parts of the world and this significantly differentiates it from previous ones that did not cover "the great diversity of strains of the virus", says El País.

In total , 393 people selected from 12 clinics in East Africa, South Africa, Thailand, and the United States were submitted to studies for 48 weeks and the vaccine "generated a response strong and sustained immune system "

that the vaccine showed safety and was tolerated without problems by the participants, so it will move to a next phase of study.

In this, the experimental vaccine HIV-1 has been applied and will involve "2,600 women in South Africa at risk of contracting HIV."

"Challenges in developing an HIV vaccine are unprecedented and the ability to induce an immune response sp HIV does not necessarily indicate that the vaccine will protect humans from infection, "said the lead author of the trial in statements made by the Spanish media

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