Closure of coastal areas of the central coast against the passage of abnormal swells | National


The Navy has established restrictive measures in the coastal areas of the central coast due to abnormal swells that could damage infrastructure, particularly in the Valparaíso region

Meanwhile, precipitation could reach 40 mm in coastal areas.

As a result of the foregoing, the closure of the coastal areas and promenades of the provinces of Valparaíso and Petorca was initiated in the face of a possible overrun and structural damage that the event of tidal wave ] that affects the central coastline .

The National Emergency Office (Onemi) maintains its early warning for the region except Easter Island.

At the national level, the same alert applies to all coastal communities, considering that the waves could exceed 4 meters in height and that gusts of wind could reach 100 km / h in Valparaíso, Regional Director (s) of Onemi, Felipe Estay.

"The system is accompanied by rainfall, with amounts not exceeding 30 millimeters, according to reports from the Chilean Meteorological Department," he said.


In addition to the prohibition of vehicular and pedestrian traffic by the coastal areas of Petorca, Quintero, Puchuncaví and La Ligua, the Navy has decreed the same measure for the Wheelwright, Juan de Saavedra and Laguna Verde in Valparaíso

Other areas where it is not possible to access are the oceanic rock in Concón, Avenue Perú, in addition to Las Salinas beach and Reñaca in Viña del Mar.

The governor of Valparaíso, Maria de los Ángeles de La Paz, has reiterated its call to respect the regulations.

The restrictive measure will be maintained until midnight on Wednesday or until Determined by the Maritime Authority

In the case of non-compliance with the Settlement for the Coastal Frontier, people face fines ranging from 47,000 $ to detention .

It is expected that both will precord and in the Andean sector register nevazones Thus Onemi announced that it will maintain a reinforced control as of this Sunday In the region.

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