Cold and flu: how was born the name of this disease?


Autumn arrives and with him, all the joys that his lovers can bring. There is no excessive heat, nice temperature, you can put on your favorite jackets and sweaters. However, not everything is a path of roses. In the fall, the first sneezing, sore throat and fever and the desire to do nothing are accompanied. Last year in the United Kingdom more than 120 people died from the syndrome of influenza . Last year, she experienced one of the strongest influenza peaks in recent years. seven years.

However, where does the name of the flu come from? It is also called influence or cold. And there are many types, Spanish flu, swine, etc. In addition to the name of the other diseases, this article will explain the erroneous form which was usually designated by certain diseases and political consequences social and economic ] that a simple name provoked.

Laura Spinney in her book "Pale Jineta: The 1918 Spanish Flu and the way it changed the world" a new disease, the first concern is to be able to name it. The reasons are diverse but mostly practical. If you can not name the problem, it will be more difficult to find a solution, to explore or discuss different solutions. However, the option that makes it so important to name a new threat is to be able to convey a public health message, to determine its causes, its origin and its power to prevent society .

Problems That Mistaken Illness

The problem arises when the name of a disease harms the inhabitants of a geographical area, a sector of society, or an ethnic group . For this reason, it is important to know where an epidemic emerges and what is its mode of transmission. There are many examples in which a single name has affected entire sectors. The most obvious case we have in the denomination of swine flu . It is true that the transmission could have been transmitted to humans by pigs. However, the spread of the disease was in humans. This was the trigger that turned it into a deadly and dangerous disease. It hampered serious problems because, in several parts of the world, such as Egypt slaughtered 300,000 pigs and many other countries banning imports of pork.

The Spanish flu was not there. Spanish

Another existing example is the famous Spanish flu that was not born in Spain . This year marks the first case of the disease that has claimed the lives of thousands of people. Although we do not know where their place of origin was, it is thought that the first to suffer were Americans . The reason it was called Spanish was because Spain during the First World War was neutral. And it was during those years, by the time the epidemic was undergone. Therefore, the Spanish press has not censored its newspapers, unlike other countries like France, the United Kingdom or the United States not to thwart the spirit of their citizens and continue to fight in the race. Spain being the only country to speak of the disease, when there was the first case in Madrid, all the countries took the opportunity to designate Spain as the nucleus of the transmission .

Although the case of the Spanish flu was a mistake or rather a political strategy call a disease named after a place has been very recurrent in history. Thus, there is Malta fever, the Mediterranean family fever or Ebola, which takes its name from the river located near the tribe where were born the first cases of this deadly disease.

<img data-attachment-id = "144493" data-permalink = "" data-orig-file = "https : // com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / ebola.jpg? fit = 640% 2C480 & ssl = 1 "data-orig-size =" 640,480 "data- comments-opening = "1" data-image-meta = "{" open ":" 2.4 "," credit ":" "," camera ":" E-10 "," caption ":" "," created_timestamp ":" 0 "," copyright ":" "," focal_length ":" 9 "," iso ":" 80 "," shutter_speed ":" 0.02 "," title ":" "," orientation ":" 0 "}" data-image-title = "ebola" data-image-description = "

"data-medium-file =" "data-large- file = "" clbad = "wp-image-144493 size -full "src =" "alt =" Ebola s & # 39, so called for the river that was next to the tribe where the first cases appeared "width =" 640 "height =" 480 "srcset =" wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / ebola.jpg? w = 640 & ssl = 1 640w, 2C225 & ssl = 1 300w, 600w "sizes =" (max -width: 640px) 100vw , 640px "data-jpibfi-post-extrait =" Fall is coming and with it the flu. There are many ways to choose the names of diseases, but sometimes this can lead to social problems. "Data-jpibfi-post-url =" "data-jpibfi-post-title =" Colds and flu: how was born the name of this disease? "data-jpibfi-src =" uploads / 2018/10 / ebola.jpg? resize = 640% 2C480 & ssl = 1 "data-recalc-dims =" 1 "/>

Source: Pixabay

It is also very common to name these physical threats, for example, varicella ] in English is chickenpox because of the chicken, another name was called the disease by the name of the people who suffered from it.Where Legionnaire's Disease so called in in 1976 the first outbreak of this evil appeared in the American Legion .

named after a disease named after the scientist who manages to determine the origin of the problem. of Down or Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease ( Mad Cow Disease ) are some examples, however, some scientists refuse to let a deadly evil call themselves like them. [19659005] The dangers that the name of an illness can cause

Canceled flights, canceled losses da In some sectors and exclusion of social groups are some of the problems that can cause a bad determination of a disease. For this reason, in 2015, the World Health Organization established a new regulation with which it is expected that new diseases will be cataloged with neutral names and that they will not do not refer to geographical locations, animals or groups of people.

However, scientists, linguists and doctors have warned of the dangers this may entail. The name of a disease is established to prevent and alert the population of its origin and origin. Neutral names, which we do not remember, would cause chaos and misinformation .

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