Colegio de Matronas: "The controller becomes a fourth power" | National


Anita Román, president of College of Midwives and Midwives of Chile explains the reasons for the national strike and highlights the opinion of the controller that allows nurses to take courses in neonatology, obstetrics and gynecology

In Conversation with DNA Today the leader stated that " this is not a conflict against the nurses they are a respectable domain that has gone through history be under medical indication in the care of sick patients. "

" Here the subject is deeper than that, we receive the consequences of having had an education system without any regulations There are 128 nursing schools, 95,000 between nurses and students and 50 per cent are unemployed "he said.

For Román, "it is understandable that his union takes steps to save this situation" however, he badured that "since the maternity clinics exist in Chile, the midwife is the only one in the world. is devoted to the pathology of

The leader points directly to the Comptroller General Jorge Bermúdez and pointed out that "he issued an opinion that in the legal question would actually exceed the work of matronería in areas of "

However, he explained that" the title of midwife says that with its 10 semesters of training, she is the competent professional to work in these units, and also according to what the doctor says. sanitary code ".

" It is the fourth time that the controller orders to the Chilean State what he has to do, is transformed into a fourth power ", he accused.

For Román, nurses are not prepared to cope with the tasks that the matrons have historically fulfilled and have badured that" the state will have to spend a lot money to train them to work in these places. "

8,000 hours of training on something very specific, such as badual and reproductive health All of the country's nursing schools do not Have not more than a thousand hours, let alone, "he said.

Finally, Anita Román also mentioned the establishment of protocols on the decriminalization of abortion in three motives and the so-called institutional conscience objection . with all the matronage of the country and I greet the objectors and the non-objectors, because we tried to solve the same ", he said.

According to the leader, in Chile there are between 20 and 30 mid-wives midwives Despite this, "professional conscientious objection was limited to the procedure performed in a ward and all hospitals ask the midwives whether they are reprehensible or not. "

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