Colombia is preparing for the arrival of 5G technology


Colombia continues to make a career to obtain the best 5G coverage to adapt the company to the era of "the Internet of Things".

Therefore, it was announced that next year the world will begin to implement the 5G network and, in Colombia, the first tools for this technology will be adapted.

In this way the required infrastructure was introduced in the country for the implementation of the network.

This global project will bring benefits not only to households but also to society and its environment, since the Internet of Things ensures efficient transportation, remote medical care and even a warning system for possible natural disasters.

"This technological leap will open up opportunities (…) customers will be able to enjoy new applications, such as augmented reality and transmission n 4K videos ", states Andrés Quintero, General Manager of Ericsson Colombia.

In the facilities of this multinational company and in the company of the mobile operator Telefónica, the test of the 5G network which will also benefit energy and agricultural projects.

"It will allow people of the future to experiment with data downloads, real-time applications, virtual reality games, real-time interactions of services that use the cloud and a larger development in mbadive IoT, at ultra high speeds, that until recently we thought impossible " says Fabián Hernández, CEO of Telefónica in Colombia. ]

The test was conducted in Bogota with the 5G millimeter band (mmWave) test bench at 28 GHz.

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