Colombia will be the place where airline tickets will increase the most in Latin America


Oil prices have influenced the increase in tariffs

Sebastián Montes – [email protected]

The increase in the cost of airline tickets in Colombia for 2018 is the highest in Latin America according to the Carlson Wagonlit Travel report and the Global Business Travel Association which forecasts a 6.5% increase, surpbading countries like Peru, Chile and Mexico, whose costs would increase this year by 6.1%, 3, 2% and 1.5% respectively

According to the report, one of the main causes of the increase in the cost of flights in Colombia was the prices international oil companies. According to CWT's Vice President of Global Management for Latin America, Jair Suarez, increasing crude oil referrals is a factor of concern for airlines before the possibility that fuel costs planes increase at the same time.

He also added that the fact that Colombia has become one of the most desired tourist destinations in Latin America, because last year recorded "a double-digit percentage increase" of foreign visitors, compared with 2016.

In the behavior of the industry, according to the executive, the presidential elections also influenced. According to Suarez, before the elections, there was uncertainty and fear of what could happen in the country, but after the triumph of Iván Duque in June, these concerns were raised and businessmen continued to consider the country as a destination for their investments. At the international level, Michael Valkevich, vice president of CWT for Program Management, said the trade dispute between China and the United States. It has not yet been transferred to tourism and there is still no impact on the business travel industry. With regard to the price of hotels in the region, Colombia will grow by 2.3% over Peru and Chile, which increased by 7.7% and 5.5%, respectively [19659008]. Suárez explained that more and more hotel chains are coming into the country, but the fact that Colombia already has too many hotels has made the growth moderate. However, he added that "it will continue to grow if foreign investment continues to increase, and Colombia is one of the most desired destinations in Latin America". Projections for the region were not as high in one or the other of the two areas, since both are located in the region of lower growth, resulting in a price increase of 0, 3% of tickets and a decrease of 1.2% in hotels. In this regard, Suarez highlighted the situation in Brazil as one of the triggers of these indicators. After a "very ambitious" bet at the 2014 World Cup and the Olympic Games. of 2016, where they decided to build hotels from scratch for the events, today, they have not had the expected performance.

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