Colonel: The criminals are accused of raping a young man in front of his police officer after stealing his car


The night of last Monday, when a couple of cops were inside their car in the area of ​​Playa Maule Coronel, Biobio region, two armed criminals intimidated them with l & # 39; The objective of stealing the vehicle and one of them is accused of raping the woman in front of her partner, who was facing another subject.

El mayor Oliver Urrea of the Second Coronel Commissariat, explained that "they proceeded to intimidate and badault a couple who was in the Maule sector." Not satisfied with this, forced the female to get off the vehicle, when one of them, Recognized by the victim, forced him to have oral bad in front of his partner ] Then, the individuals fled, leaving the couple in their place and stole the vehicle that was found later. "

After receiving the complaint a, The carabinieri found the place where was one of the suspects involved in the incident that the victim recognized as his badual aggressor, for whom he was immediately put at the disposal of the courts.Police still working to find the second involved

The governor of the province of Concepción, Robert Contreras spoke about the question of safety in the sector: "This is a problem that we must evaluate With the Carabineros for prevention, we will also speak directly with the municipality of Coronel to to put in place a measure that might have a tendency to modify the access to places of this type so that the criminals can not take these measures community. "

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