Combined with Etihad, Fadea seeks to expand its services to airlines | News instantly from


The Argentine Aircraft Factory (Fadea) has begun reconfiguring the cabin of the seventh Airbus 320 of the airline Latam, which will end the first contract obtained thanks to the alliance with the Emirati group Etihad Engineering. Now, under the same agreement, he is seeking new service contracts in the commercial aviation market

. It was the presentation yesterday of the president of the state company Antonio Beltramone, along with Abdul Jaliq, CEO of the UAE-based company. United, after a tour of the facilities located in the western part of the city of Córdoba

Fadea and Etihad signed a five-year agreement providing that the reconfiguration of the cabin of the Latam aircraft was the first step .

A row of seats was added to the aircraft at a rate of less than three days per unit. These tasks were carried out with state factory staff, formed by Etihad. Fadea received about $ 200,000. The latest Airbus 320 will leave Cordoba on Saturday

As explained Fernando Sibilla, executive director of the company, the alliance with Etihad means an increase in Fadea's operational capabilities in terms of services provided to airlines to Commercial vocation owners of Airbus 320 and Boeing 737 aircraft.

The goal is that in 2019, inspections of 12 and 24 months can be proposed, as well as the " control C" which involves the internal and external revision of all interior and exterior areas of the building. aircraft.

In this line, the facilities have been adapted, certifications are obtained, staff are trained and the necessary tools are purchased.

It must be remembered that Fadea alone already has Boeing certification. for the maintenance of wheels and brakes. As such, he has a contract with the airline Fly Bondi.

This is how the company wants to be a regional maintenance, repair and overhaul center for commercial aviation.

The Potential

Jaliq stated that Fadea had everything necessary to receive more aircraft maintenance contracts. "The facilities are gigantic and the location is optimal," said Etihad CEO. He also stressed the technical capabilities of the state company.

Frederic Dupont, vice president of Etihad Operations, said that the goal of the alliance was to meet the growing demand for maintenance in the region, which has about two thousand aircraft on the market. In this line, he said that Etihad's customer portfolio included Aeroméxico and Avianca, with their high-capacity aircraft, and that they could for example now keep units for shorter flights, although they are looking for also reach other companies operating on the mainland.

It appeared that, for example, the negotiations with the Norwegian are advanced.

Beltramone, on the other hand, pointed out that maintenance services do not keep Fadea away from its factory functions. planes. But these activities result in less need for public funds. In this sense, the president of the company said that for the second half of 2019, it should reach a balance in its accounts and no longer receive national funds.

Beltramone claimed that, this year, commercial air contracts are 18 percent of Fadea's business turnover, compared with 2 percent in 2015. And by 2019, it is expected to increase by 23 percent and reach 50% by 2023.


] In Fadea, they badure that the production rate of the Pampa III aircraft will continue next year and that the construction of three other units for the Air Force is being negotiated. Before the end of the year, the first three mbad-produced appliances will be delivered after a decade without a unit being completed at the factory.

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