Commander-in-Chief of the Army declared in case of possible fraud | National


The Commander in Chief of the Army, Ricardo Martínez, testified as a witness of possible fraud in the institution. The last five chief commanders of the military will make a statement as part of the investigation into the alleged fraud committed through the agency 's Mutual Aid Fund.

Neither the prosecution nor the military had wanted to confirm the diligence with the current commander-in-chief. Ricardo Martínez.

However, after noon, a confirmation comes to us from La Moneda, where it is stated that General Martínez warned the Ministry of Defense of his appearance before the regional prosecutor of Aysén, Carlos Palma, who is investigating alleged fee contracts and commissions for false services, intended to offset the Army's mutual badistance fund, between 2006 and 2016.

These are irregularities detected by the Office of the Controller, an entity that estimated fraud at some 180 million pesos. However, the prosecution is investigating 2,900 million transactions in total.

And before the secret of the Public Prosecutor and the Army in the interrogation, the Minister of the Interior, Andrés Chadwick, finally had to confirm the diligence.

The Secretary of State stated that the irregularities are effective and reprehensible. He also spoke of a criminal case in this case and called on prosecutors to investigate all alleged perpetrators, regardless of rank or position.

"When there is a criminal case, the prosecutor must investigate any type of responsibility, any being the investigated person, rank, position or hierarchy." Equality before the law is the subject of an investigation to all those who could possibly be held responsible, "he said.

Attorney Palma began a series of proceedings in Santiago on Wednesday interrogated General Juan Emilio Cheyre, former commander-in-chief of the army, also as a witness.

In the afternoon, the Defense Minister, Alberto Espina, revealed that besides Martinez and Cheyre, they were going to the chief excomandantes , retired generals Oscar Izurieta, Juan Miguel Fuente Alba and Humberto Oviedo

  ARCHIVE Sebastian Beltran UNO Agencia
ARCHIVE Sebastian Beltran UNO Agencia

With regard to the High Command of 2019, which will be presented to the gov On November 8, the Secretary of State warned that on the list, which must be confirmed by President Sebastián Piñera, no officer is involved in irregularities or illegal acts. [19659002] However, he acknowledged that he was unable to fully verify the names, that is, that he must rely heavily on General Martinez's proposals.

The Palma prosecutor was also questioned on Wednesday as a fraud suspect. Attorney, retired generals Rodrigo Díaz and Fernando Santelices, who face a complaint from the State Defense Council.

The persecutor did not rule out citing the political authorities of the time under investigation, especially the former defense ministers.

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