Commercial War: three sectors would mitigate the impact of 900 million US dollars | Photo 1 of 6 | Economy


The trade war between China and the United States could affect Peru through falling prices of metals such as copper.

The impact on the Peruvian Gross Domestic Product (GDP), according to estimates by the National Society of Industries (SNI), would be close to $ 2,000 million.

"The international copper quotation, our main export product, was reduced from $ 3.2 to $ 2.85 per pound (…) future mining projects and less However, such an effect could be mitigated if they strengthened non-traditional exports especially in three sectors.

According to the SNI. the estimates of the president of this badociation, Ricardo Márquez, the three economic activities would reduce the negative effect of the trade war by nearly 900 million US dollars.

"Non-traditional sectors such as fishing for the Direct human consumption can generate additional exports of US $ 200 million per year. Drug shipments can generate an additional $ 100 million; and the textile and clothing sector could increase its exports by US $ 600 million, "he said.

To achieve such results, the SNI proposed five measures to the executive branch

Strengthening Sectors
Two of the guild's proposals are to strengthen value-added production in these sectors by eliminating bureaucratic barriers and realizing that Digemid is increasing its level as a # 39, drug regulatory authority category 3 to 4, as this prevents the export of drugs to countries such as Chile, Colombia and Mexico.

Another is to encourage shipments of textile sector, since since September the Chinese clothing will have to pay tariffs of 30%, while the Peruvians will be able to profit from the ALE.

Another proposal of the SNI is to improve the fight against the contraband. This re This would be achieved if the Commission for Combating Customs Offenses and Piracy of the Ministry of Production improved its coordination with its 16 regional commandos.

To this, the union added that the establishment of a tariff system should also be considered. per kilogram for textile imports.

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