Companies pay the consequences of poor work reform


Monckeberg and mbadive layoffs: companies pay the consequences of a bad labor reform

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Economics and e-commerce


Due to the situation , they live The Minister of Labor and Social Security, Nicols Monckeberg, said the mbadive layoffs in the country are the result of a reform of work "poorly done".

More than 1,200 Maersk workers were disengaged in the middle of this month. "What we urgently need to adapt is our labor legislation precisely because often the labor legislation hardens the reality of the worker and we have to adapt to new types of employment if you have a Labor legislation that puts a heavy backpack that prevents you from changing jobs or looking for better opportunities ends up hurting the worker, "said secretary of state after attending the seminar" Gaps in Human Capital "

In this line, he commented that" we consider more than ever the incentives for employment to grow, and not just any job, quality jobs because nowadays what happens is precisely what for the wrong public policies, because the investment is stopped, because a bad job reform has been done, many companies are paying the consequences and these things doiv "

Although the president of the Maersk workers, did not know the statements of the Minister, said that" it seems to me that this does not fit, it is not to be done, here it is there is no work reform, it must be said in all his letters, there is a change there is no implication of closing or not a company ". On the other hand, the head of the ministry said that as a government "we are working on the solution": "On Saturday, we have a formal meeting of the working table with the Mayor of San Antonio, with union leaders and company personnel. "

In addition, he said," we are launching training courses starting Saturday. "More than interfering in the decisions that workers make regarding their actions to follow, we want to be part of the solution – his search for new jobs is the most important thing." Finally, Monckeberg emphasized that "we are absolutely determined to protect, in the first place, all the labor rights of the workers, which is why the Directorate of Labor has been attentive to the fact that each of the rights of the workers is Respect in their respective regulations. "

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