Companies will support young Pacific Rim countries with jobs –



By the end of 2020, companies from the Pacific Alliance countries – Peru, Colombia, Chile and Mexico – will create 30,000 jobs

By the end of 2020 , companies from the countries of the Pacific Alliance – Peru, Colombia, Chile and Mexico – will generate 30,000 job opportunities and work practices for the benefit of young people, announced the Nestlé CEO for Americas, Laurent Freixe.

This commitment represents an increase of nearly In regard to the target set last year, when it was proposed to reach 17 thousand jobs for this sector of the population, it has underlined after renewing this commitment.

During the activities of the Third Meeting of the Pacific Youth Alliance held in Cali, Colombia, mentioned that at least 11 thousand young people have already benefited from this program, which adds 41 companies to the Agreement for the Employability of Youth, signed last year in Santiago de C

The initiative to redouble efforts is due to the fact that there has "an absolute necessity" because the youth unemployment rate is three times higher than in the rest of the population, and the majority is integrated into informality ",

Informal work helps to survive, but does not allow integration into the community, society and even less a projection on the future, "he said at a press conference held at the Valle del Pacífico Events Center [19659008oftheInternationalLaborOrganization(ILO)revealsthattheunemploymentrateinLatinAmericaandintheCaribbeanis185%amongpeopleaged15to24years

Unemployment among young women and men increased from 18.6 and 13 percent in 2010 to 22.1 and 16.1 percent in 2017, according to the figures, and it is estimated that in the region there are 21.8% of young people who do not study or do not work, compared to 11.5% who belong to Europe.

By This, the importance of promoting this initiative to get young people to training, with financial support, and other opportunities to facilitate their entry into the job market and so explode the 39, economy of the region, said Fausto Costa, CEO of Nestlé Mexico

He recalled that the agribusiness, through its global program Youth Initiative, will help generate 4,500 opportunities by the time end of 2020 in Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. [19659004Thecompanywillalsoprovideprofessionalprofessionalnetworksinthiscountrythanthecurrentperiodofthecanadianfunds:employabilitylabourentrepreneurshipandfairfacilityit-ildit

We are in a period of technological change at all levels of society. If we want to focus on this change, there is no better way than to hire young people, who can help us face future challenges, "concludes Laurent Freixe.

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