Complete Super Mario 64 in under 7 minutes and break a record


"Super Mario 64" is over 20 years old and is still considered one of the most iconic and transcendental games for the video game world. So much is its importance that to date, they continue to broadcast live and break records. As in this case.

One of the favorite games of streamers and speedrunners on YouTube or Twitch is the "Super Mario 64". Well, fans are always ready to see more Nintendo video game content. And recently a Twitch user not only impressed his followers, but also broke a record.

Drozdowsky is a speedrunner who is dedicated to trying to break world records by playing video games as fast as possible. And recently, he achieved his feat with the game that has as protagonist the Italian plumber.

It turns out that the streamer broke a record in 2015, where 6 minutes and 44 seconds was the time needed to finish "Super Mario 64" without a single star. Now Drozdowsky lowered this mark to 6 minutes and 41 seconds

The speedrunner commented that he was using the cartridge of the Japanese version because it has the most glitches that can be used and because it has the fastest version of the game. In an interview with Polygon, Drozdowsky said "he feels happy because it's been months of training that worked."

Then, watch the video:

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