Comptroller Approves Million Dollar Tax Exemption Decree


This implies a reduction of US $ 1,100 million of public resources this year

Good news for the government in tax matters

This afternoon, the Comptroller General of the Republic took the decree N ° 651 which provides for million-dollar measures It should be recalled that the main component of these measures is an adjustment of the support costs which do not affect the normal operation of the services, an adjustment due to a decrease in the expenditure of 39; support. Projected inflation of the badumption in the budget law, a reduction of funds freely available Presidential and other specific reductions, specified the Directorate of Budgets (Dipres) in a statement.

In this regard, the reduction in support costs (US $ 446.4 million), can be broken down into:

– Expenditure on consumer goods and services, based on consumable components (cellular and fixed, tickets and US $ 317.05 million for freight, advertising and distribution, warehousing, office equipment, ceremonial and ceremonial representation, etc.)

– Staff costs , $ 73.93 million 6% of the total approved in 2018. Adjustments for this item consist mainly of travel, overtime and fees, without affecting the compensation component.

– Acquisition of non-financial badets such as buildings, vehicles, equipment and computer programs, at US $ 55.39 million.

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