"Comptroller" clarifies that decisions are mandatory after "rebellion" by Cathy Barriga


The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic again spread the word, after Mayor Cathy Barriga interpreted her opinion by asking to put an end to the "misuse" of her image in municipal activities from Maipú.

And after the body of the controller made known his resolution, the head of the community told media such as Chilevisión that it was a "suggestion" .

"Say who is angry that this mayor appears so involved, so engaged and who is reflected … who will have to get used to because this mayor is 100% committed," said Barriga at the time .

Against this, "Comptroller" had to come to the fore to explain in social networks that his instructions "must be respected by all authorities and officials, since they are mandatory".

In addition, to dispel any suspicion, made it clear that he had already issued similar decisions on "abuses in the use of the authorities' image".

Why has the Office of the Comptroller issued opinions on the use of the authorities' image in advertising and broadcasting? Are they mandatory?
We tell you here ?
Meet the Notices in ? https://t.co/8vGYK5i3As pic.twitter.com/vLtKzB3k3b

– Controller (@Contraloriacl) June 29, 2018

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