Conac launches breast cancer prevention campaign


The statistics are clear: bad cancer is the most common among women and the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Added to this is the fact that all women are likely to develop it and that 70% of them do not have identifiable risk factors. The key to prevention is to maintain the alert against this pathology.

As is the case each year, the National Cancer Corporation (CONAC) has launched an annual campaign to ensure that women over the age of 40 have a systematic control program that includes a specialized clinical examination and a mammogram. as well as a self-palpation between the witnesses. The #AhoraTocaCuidaete campaign was created and offered by AgenciaPlaya.

Indeed, it is the age at which the risk of suffering from this disease increases. However, it is advisable to have a screening mammogram between the ages of 30 and 35 in women who have a history of bad cancer in their family.

In the United States, one in 7-8 women will develop bad cancer (According to the Sorrel A. City of Hope 2017 study, 1 in 28 women will die from this cause (3.6% risk In Chile, the figures are just as alarming: every year, they are diagnosed According to a study conducted by the Ministry of Health in 2017, about 4,200 new cases (43.2 x 100,000) and about 1,500 women (15.5 x 100,000)

The most important risk factors are age and family history of bad and ovarian cancer, especially the presence of genetic mutations , BRCA 1 and BRCA2, among others.

Irrigation increases with age and in Chile, 7 out of 10 women diagnosed are over 50 years of age The vast majority of cases occur in women Without a family history: For early detection, a good quality mammogram is a test that allows for early detection. recommended for all women, from 40 years of age and more, for more than 50 years each year. 19659003] It is important for the population to know that a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of developing the disease. That is why the World Health Organization recommends:

– Have a balanced diet, avoiding the abuse of alcohol.

] – Exercise regularly: it is recommended to do three hours of weekly exercise.

– Avoid being overweight. Obese women have a higher risk of bad cancer than women of normal weight.

– Avoid smoking.


  • Appearance of a size or hard nodule that can be detected at the naked eye. or touching the bad.
  • Change in appearance, reduction, collapse or secretion of the nipple
  • Change of shape, symmetry or enlargement of the contour of the bad.
  • Thickening or hardening of bad tissue.
  • Thickening, inflammation or appearance of an orange peel skin in the bad


  • Genetics: BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers, or have family history of bad cancer or ovaries
  • Age: the risk increases with age, especially from 45 years of age.
  • Pregnancy: The risk is greater if the first child is over 30 years old.
  • Personal History: Haber present early menstruation or late menopause, as well as having previously treated anterior bad cancer.
  • Habits: a diet rich in fat, obesity and the consumption of tobacco and alcohol are also risk factors.

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At the beginning of the month, Conac, with the help of Epson Chile and Avery Dennison, set up a print at before the cultural center Gam. large format to promote early detection of bad cancer.

The graphic belongs to Kehity Reyes, a second-year DUOC UC Advertising student in Viña del Mar, who won the "Print in Great Latin America 2018-2019" contest.

"At CONAC, we are very grateful to have been chosen by Epson.It is very important because social organizations do not have the economic capacity of dissemination appropriate for citizenship, so it is very important to us that we have a good time. that's why we appreciate the effort that will keep this beautiful image that will remind women that if bad cancer is detected in time, it has great potential for healing, "said the director of Conac, Catalina Agosín.

The National Cancer Corporation (CONAC) is a non-profit, self-financing organization that provides supportive professional attention to early detection and treatment of cancer in Chile. With 40 years of service and a network of 30 branches across the country, he strives to improve the quality of life for our patients and their families by providing clinical, economic and social support. emotional.

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