Concerns about volcanic activity in Campo de Hielo Sur


Japanese scientist Masahiro Minowa and guide and collaborator Steffen Welsch made a scientific expedition through Patagonia.

On their return, they observed something dark north-east of the Mariano Moreno Cord, which is part of the Andean Cordillera and belongs to Campo de Hielo Sur, which concerns ashes volcanoes, whose flight took place between 19 and 20 October.

Chilean territory is located in the Bernardo O. Higgins National Park, in the municipality of Puerto Natales, in the province of Last Hope, in the region of Magallanes.

In statements to the program "Radio Activa" of FM Dimension, Welsch believes that the fact should be studied urgently, as it could have direct implications in the river basin Santa Cruz and affect the dams built [19]. 659003] The glaciologist Pedro Skvarca pointed out that "at some point the pressure is such that the water will flow. And this can produce a huge disaster."

The Santinel satellite also recorded photographs where you can see the difference between 20 and 23 October 2018.

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