Concytec will repatriate 150 researchers with the help of the World Bank


Arequipa The National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (Concytec) will repatriate 150 researchers to fill the talent gap. The chair of the entity's board of directors, Fabiola León-Velarde, said that in November, they will launch the scholarship contest.

These will allow the laureates to conduct research projects in universities or private companies for three years. There is a $ 100 million fund from the World Bank that will pay the salary. In addition, a smaller number of foreign researchers will be convened.

The National Register of Science and Technology Researchers (Regina) has 1,600 researchers, 87 of which are from the Arequipa region. The president of Concytec said that the total number in Peru is low compared to Latin America. In Chile, there are an estimated 17,000 researchers. ❧

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