Conflict over the reopening of Mauricio Braun Square


C on
surprise was made by the chairman of the Neighbors Neighborhood Board of Directors
Mauricio Braun the inauguration of the place of the same name.

According to the
neighborhood chief, José Galindo, there were no conditions for
officer the ceremony, because the work was not finished, so
who arrived skeptically at the place.

was the mayor of Punta Arenas, Claudio Radonich, in the company
of your advisors, showing your satisfaction for the completion of a project
that started six months ago, in a place that became
home of insecurity and danger for neighbors, especially for its scarcity

we played by investing in lighting that was not good
quality, so as to be in a public space not only beautiful, but

This is an investment of more than 600 million pesos and today we take for
issued this square, "said the communal authority.

However, the absence of protocol and the cutting of cbadettes gave rise to doubts
It was indeed an inauguration or not. After a
conversation with the mayor, Galindo continued with his doubts.

in nothing, because there was no inauguration. Where is the problem, I do not have
idea They sent me a WhatsApp on if I wanted to participate in the
inauguration of the park. I replied that what would they have inaugurated if not
It was finished.

Now I spoke with the mayor, and he told me that it was not a
inauguration, because there is no ribbon. I received from your apartment a
information and they let me pay. It's bad for the mayor, because the
it's badly stopped ", convicted.

problem with the work of the contractors who did the wrong
work The multi-shot is not even, the painting is not adequate.

There are
Many details to do. This part in September. There is also
There were a lot of things in the project that were not done, like a fence
example They calculate about 60 days to finish everything,

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