Confusam announced mobilizations against violence in health camps


After the Confederation of Municipal Health Officials (Confusam) accused of acts of violence in health facilities such as Cesfam, Sapu and SAR and d Require the government concrete actions to ensure the safety of staff and patients, warns that if this situation does not stop, they would initiate mobilizations at the national level.

By a public statement, he refers to the events that occurred in Cerro Navia and Lota where individuals armed with hunting rifles attacked respectively the outbuildings of Cesfam and Sapu. In the latter, moreover, unknown caused damage to the vehicle, among other acts of violence.

For this reason, he recalled that in this scenario, " our organization conducted a national strike for 24 hours, forcing the signing of a protocol agreement with the government. In this protocol, the Ministry of Health has taken steps to remedy the problem, measures that have not yet been taken. "

" Improving the security conditions of staff and People attending health facilities, It is essential to provide these support centers with minimum security conditions, such as qualified security guards with adequate equipment, secure access, security systems, and security. Alert, the police presence, among other necessary measures, "he added

on the need to" lead a national campaign aimed at raising citizens' awareness of the fact that violence is impossible to re Wards in health care for people measure that must also be accompanied by legislative measures that toughen penalties against those who attack health workers. "

In conclusion, he warned the executive" that delays are more than limited and that before the reiteration of acts of violence against municipal health workers, Confusam will be forced to To call its bases across Chile to new mobilizations until the authorities badume their responsibility "

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