Congratulations to Saint Malo and entrepreneurs from Latin America


The awards of the Council of the Americas (COA) were presented at a gala hosted by a forum on innovation and digital transformation, attended by some 400 representatives of the public and private sectors. private sector in Latin America and the United States. United

In addition to Panamanian vice president, Isabel De Saint Malo, awarded the title of innovative leader, Fabio Schvartsman, CEO of the Brazilian mining giant Vale, has been named CEO of the year and Eduardo Tricio Haro, dairy group Mexican Lala, recognized as a transforming leader.

Eugenio Von Chrismar, Managing Director of the Chilean Bank of Credit and Investments (BCI), was awarded Financial of the Year, Carlos Mario Giraldo Moreno, Managing Director of Grupo Éxito, received the Dynamic CEO Award and Patricia Menéndez-Cambó, Vice President of the US law firm Greenberg Traurig, presented the award to Liderazg o Visionnaire.

The Panamanian Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs told Efe that her prize was particularly proud of Panama, "an innovative country, playing a leading role in the international agenda and promoting real change in internal and regional ".

Saint Malo said that "Latin America is experiencing a new political context", in which citizens are calling for "more pragmatic and less ideologically driven leaders" and in which the fight against corruption takes place " a particular importance ".

Last September, when the winners of this 24th edition of the Bravo Awards were announced, the COA pointed out that De Saint Malo had been rewarded for "promoting public policies that have improved the efficiency of the government and the lives of millions of Panamanians ".

Susan Segal, President and CEO of the Council of the Americas, was responsible for presenting the awards in collaboration with María Lourdes Gallo, Director of the Bravo Leadership Forum, Bl Anca Treviño, President and CEO of Sofftek, Andres Gluski, President and Chief Executive Officer of AES Corporation, and Gerard Mato, President of HSBC Global Banking and Markets of the Americas.

Mexican entrepreneur Tricio Haro, winner of the Transformer Leader Award for his "impact on the business and international expansion" of the dairy company Lala, pointed out to Efe that this award was the recognition of 39, a "story of work and effort" to which "many people" had participated. [19659002] According to him, Latin America faces challenges such as "reducing inequalities, guaranteeing the integrity and security of people and resolutely attacking acts of corruption", so that "its enormous growth potential" creates a "future" better. "

Schvartsman, Bravo Award to the CEO of the Year, told Efe that this award increased the responsibility of Vale, leader of the Brazilian Stock Exchange, to remain" the mining company that the value it produces for its shareholders. "

According to him," communication "was a determining factor in the achievements such as the reduction of the net debt to about 10 billion dollars and the achievement of a new record in the production of ore from iron, exceeding the 100 million tons mark in a quarter.

Eugenio Von Chrismar, General Manager of the Chilean Bank of Credit and Investment (BCI), was awarded with the mention "Financial of the "Year" for its "internationalization strategy" financial institution "the benchmark for innovation and avant-garde" in the region.

Dynamic CEO Award was awarded to the Colombian Carlos Mario Giraldo Moreno, di Chief Executive Officer of Grupo Éxito, for his "outstanding performance" in the development of the Latin American distribution company, with the opening of more than 1,500 stores and a 10% increase in their net revenues compared to 2016

And Reenberg Traurig, vice-president of the US firm G Patricia Menéndez-Cambó, received the Visionary Leadership Award for "his contribution to private sector growth, expansion and promotion. of Diversity in the Americas "

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