Consulta will seek to create a foundation for "Language and Culture of Indigenous Peoples" from Grades 1 to 6 | National


The Native National Consultation in Education is the proposal to create the curricular bases for the subject of "Language and Culture of Indigenous Peoples" from the first to the sixth fundamental .

The invitation, which realizes The Ministry of Education (Mineduc) is for the 9 indigenous peoples recognized by Law 19.253, where it has been declared that it is fundamental to create a dialogue on the knowledge on language and culture held by the 430 indigenous communities in Osorno province.

The Mineduc seeks to improve the basics of the subject of the language and culture of the original peoples so that they are admitted to the National Board of Education. If it is approved, it will start to implement this topic from 2020 .

Osorno's Provincial Director of Education, Luisa Monardes, said she hopes the initiative will be replicated throughout the education and training. indicated that she would like a large convocation of the aboriginal communities of the province.

From the portfolio was established the decree of law that validates the quality of traditional educators with experience, knowledge of the language and traditions of belonging to the peoples of origin.

It is the same provincial director of education who upheld the regulations and stated that in the province there are 54 educators who are under the auspices of the Mineduc .

The Coordinator of the Bilingual Intercultural Education Program of the Provincial Directorate of Education , Sergio Cheuquepil, said that this The consultation is something historic since now all the indigenous peoples of the country are taken into account.

For his part, the traditional educator of Purranque, Viviana Romero, pointed out that will work with educational programs where up to now there was no work with curricular bases.

The territorial organization of the consultation for the province of Osorno will have its first meeting on July 17 at the Commercial Institute, and will have the participation of the communities of the municipalities of Osorno, Puyehue and Puerto Octay.

From July 24 to 27, consultations were held in San Pablo, Purranque and Rio Negro, in the southern sector of San Juan de la Costa and in the northern sector.

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