Controversy between Elon Musk and Thai child rescuers


The tweets have already been erased, but not before tens of thousands of people read the commentary of technological entrepreneur Elon Musk

Musk called Vern Unsworth – the British diver who helped save the 12 children of one The comment came after Unsworth, who is one of the best-known cave rescuers in the world, ridicules the mini-submarine built by Musk to help rescue efforts and said that The British diver declared on Monday that he was planning to sue Musk

"I think he has treated me as a pedophile," he told Channel 7 in Australia. I think people will realize the kind of person that it is (Musk). "

And when asked if he was considering filing a lawsuit against Musk, he replied," Yes, it is not over. " "

It all started with the child-sized submarine What Tesla's executive brought to the cave last week in an attempt to help the rescue mission.

In a interview, Unsworth said that the submarine "had absolutely no chance of working."

Unsworth, who is based in Thailand, knows in detail the complex of caves where children were trapped, and many consider that knowledge played a key role in the rescue mission.

In addition, he helped to bring together some of the s

But after the comment of Unsworth, Musk, who regularly confronts his detractors on Twitter, posted an unpaved reply in which, without using his name, he called it "the British expatriate who lives in Thailand."

He added that he would make a video showing that the minisubmarine could reach the profo cavern of the cave "without problems". And he said, "I'm sorry pedophile, but you've really asked for it."

When several people challenged him for his comment, Musk did not back down.

He then deleted the tweets – which had already been sent to his 22 million followers – and now he has to publicly respond to the outrage he's caused.

The BBC contacted Musk via its Tesla company for a comment, without success. 7NewsSydney / status / 1018741237967228928

The 12 children and their coach, who were rescued last week from the Tham Luang cave system, are hospitalized in Chiang Rai City and are expected to be released. Thursday

Vern Unsworth told the AFP news agency that upon his return to the UK this week, he would make a decision on whether to sue Musk or not

" (Musk) only a seller of advertising stuff, that's all, "he said," the British rescuer. "

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