Controversy over the video of Piñera's brother traveling at 240 km / h


Miguel Piñera with his ex-wife, model Belén Hidalgo, and his brother Sebastián, current president of Chile

SANTIAGO, Chile.- A video of the younger brother of the president

Sebastián Piñera
the singer Miguel "Negro" Piñera, driving a vehicle at 240 km / h on a highway, generated a controversy after he was viralized on social networks.

The record of 25 seconds, which is still he does not know his date of recording, he shows the parent of the president in a Nissan 370Z flying at an excessive speed while it is registered by his co-pilot . "Two forty, two forty!" Is heard while Piñera laughs and pbades other vehicles on a Chilean road, whose limit allowed to travel according to local legislation is 120 km / h.

The generated images The controversy and the brother of the president immediately became the target of criticism of opposition MPs. "Mr. President, what can you tell us about this video?" Asks Pamela Jiles, MP for Frente Amplio and exfigura of television.

Piñera was interviewed in the release of the album that commemorates five decades of artistic life, but he did not want to refer to the video: "I tell you the truth I party 50 years, release a new production, 50 years of singing

grateful for my country, my land, my people. Today I will only talk about my launch, my 50th birthday; tomorrow I answer everything you want, are you okay? ", said Piñera, who participated in 2010 in the program" Bailando por un sueño "

The businessman also hit his Hummer against an Austin Mini after following a "give way" signal. The person inside the vehicle suffered multiple injuries and Piñera was sentenced to community service and the driving record was kept for one year, amid the issues raised by the test. alcoholemia which was negative. and that he accused in the context of a "politicization" of the case.

The episode again focused on the controversies that played the close of the head of state. One of them arrived in April when his brother Pablo was named Chile's ambbadador to Argentina, but his appointment was deactivated by the government after harsh criticism and accusations of nepotism that Sebastián Piñera has received . This note

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