Controversy provokes a change of direction in the streets of Natales


Mayor Fernando Paredes met with bus drivers to inform them of the decision that was postponed for four years

Controversy caused in the owners of the collective the change in the direction of the traffic of four streets of the city of Puerto Natales, From this day on, Piloto Pardo street will have more than a sense of transit from Carlos Ibáñez to Camino Henríquez where it will join the street Baquedano, an artery that will allow the inhabitants of the new cities located to the south of the city access to the shopping center of Natales. Today Piloto Pardo has a contrary direction (towards the south) that is used by collective locomotion as an important part of his itinerary, since it allows them to leave pbadengers in the high school Monseñor Fagnano (the most big in the city with over 1100 students) and Ultima Esperanza Language School, among others.

Starting Monday 23 of this month, they will have Carlos Condell and Abraham Lincoln streets as an alternative.

In view of the foregoing, this last artery will have a unique meaning. transit from Camilo Henríquez Street to Carlos Ibáñez. Street 18 de Septiembre will have only one direction from Avenida España to Carlos Ibáñez and finally in Padre Rossa street the vehicles will have to be moved from Ovejero to May 21st.

The above was informed to bus drivers at a meeting held Wednesday in the meeting room of the Polytechnic High School. At the meeting, they expressed their apprehensions about the extent they described as a non-consultation. However, Mayor Paredes said that this was a topic discussed in 2014 that was postponed at that time. During these four years has increased significantly in the construction of new cities in the southern sector of the city, as well as the fleet that has increased by 2,500 new vehicles.

This leads to the existence of conflicting places such as the junction of Piloto Street. Pardo with Carlos Ibáñez, among others, where the community asked for the installation of a traffic light.

However, there is a technical report from Sectra (Transport Planning Secretariat) recommending the change of direction of transit.

In this regard, Mayor Fernando Paredes said that "we have decided that it is July 23 that this change in direction of transit will take effect before the courts resume."

of the community for those changes that "pursue the greater good, seeking the best order of the city."

He indicated that Sectra's report advises that the streets are unidirectional, which will be applied in the second half of this year in the cities of Camilo Henríquez and Eduardo Frei.


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